Success is knowing that you did what you could do to be the person you had to become.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

It Will Be Difficult

In my relatively short life I can remember a time that I wished more than anything for an easy life. The funny thing is, the more you wish for an address on Easy Street the harder things seem to get. This is a matter of perspective.

One woman's easy is another woman's difficult. 

Once an individual has been through a difficulty in life be it a death in the family, overcoming a disease, a career change or even something self inflicted like changing a diet, her perspective changes when the next difficulty comes along. It is for this change in the way I see things that allows me to invite change and challenge. Once I started to see the results of a change I had to endure, I realised that change was the best way to become better than I was the day before. 

Yes it's hard. Why would it be easy? Then EVERYONE would do it!

"Our major purpose on Earth is that of developing wisdom through struggle and self discipline." - Unknown

Think about how you feel after you have had a terrible day. Relieved that you got through it right? But also a little proud that you were able to deal with it that way you did right? Well, imagine trying something new and not stopping until you have won. Imagine how that would feel. 

We waste our lives doing things that are easy because somewhere along the line we kept telling ourselves that we didn't have the time to look after our dreams, health and good fortune. Watching T.V., eating fast food or prepared meals prepared by someone else, not exercising, speaking poorly, emailing and texting rather than a phone call and the list goes on and on. Why waste your life? You only have one in this body (depending on your beliefs). Why sit in front of a T.V. and fantasize about what a fictitious character is doing? If you want that life then GO GET IT. 

WARNING: It Won't Be Easy 

"Life is a fight for territory, it's hard to keep your spirit up, it's hard. But you need to refuel yourself mentally emotionally and spiritually. You have to battle sometimes in your own home against yourself. But I can tell you from my experience, it's worth it! - Unknown

I believe that every human being has a set of priorities and standards that they live their life by. But they also have inspiration somewhere inside of them to become what they wish to become and whenever they do that thing or activity, they experience a fulfilment beyond measure. 

"It doesn't matter how many times you fail. It doesn't matter how many times people tell you that you can't do it. It doesn't matter if you don't have a dime in the bank. You will fail your way to success. What's very important is do you really want to win?" - Unknown 

"There is ALWAYS a way to win. There just is. Your job is to find it."

So go find it and don't worry about what everyone else is doing or saying. You know what you have to do. Do it and don't look back no matter how hard things get. You will succeed and then the next challenge will seem that much easier. You will then have a system in place for mastering anything. 

Do what you have to do to get that system in place and then you will become the person you wish to become.

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